Orphan Parts Report

Does there exist an out-of-the-box report or dashboard that will show orphan parts (parts that are not part of a BoM)?

You can create a BAQ with an set operations of EXCEPT
Create the BAQ for
Subquery one (PartMtl) Grouped by MtlPart
Subquery two (Part) with an Except operation

or create a query with Part as Top level and
PartMtl as a subquery grouped on MtlPart with a count.
Join the partMtl Subquery to part on the top level.
then you will have a list of all parts with the count of BOM’s that they are on.

One of the cases you’ll run into is active/inactive revisions. Assuming you’re looking for parts that aren’t used in any BOM that’s not inactive, here’s an option with only one tricky part:

 ______     _________     _________
| Part |+->| PartMtl |+->| PartRev |
 ------     ---------     ---------

from Erp.Part
left outer join Erp.PartMtl
	on <the usual>
left outer join Erp.PartRev
	on <the usual>
	-- alway remember to delete that automatically added ProcessMfgID condition if you're not licensed to access it
	and PartRev.Approved = 1 --< that's the tricky part
where 1=1
	and PartMtl.Company is null

Thank you John,

Charles (Chuck) Stahl
Chief Information Officer
ICM Controlshttps://www.icmcontrols.com/
7313 William Barry Blvd,
North Syracuse, NY 13212
Office: (315) 362-9310
Mobile: (315) 573-9772
IT Contact number: (315) 233-5266 x565
Need Help? (icmcontrols.com)https://helpdesk.icmcontrols.com/userui/hd_ticket_quick_links.php

Thank you Bruce,

Charles (Chuck) Stahl
Chief Information Officer
ICM Controlshttps://www.icmcontrols.com/
7313 William Barry Blvd,
North Syracuse, NY 13212
Office: (315) 362-9310
Mobile: (315) 573-9772
IT Contact number: (315) 233-5266 x565
Need Help? (icmcontrols.com)https://helpdesk.icmcontrols.com/userui/hd_ticket_quick_links.php