In Sales Order Entry on the Header - Header Manifest Info - General tab, there are Delivery/Pickup Options such as Saturday Delivery, Residential Delivery, etc. Do these options actually drive any action further downstream? Or are they solely for reference?
I can speak as an Epicor Manifest user; they do drive action further downstream for us. When the Pack is created in Customer Shipment Entry, those Delivery/Pickup options that were selected on the Sales Order are automatically copied over to the shipment. Next, when the shipment is “freighted” the carrier label is created with those options chosen automatically. So, if Residential Delivery is chosen at Sales Order Entry, the carrier label will be generated with the “Residential Delivery” option chosen.
We took it a step further and had a customization made so the Delivery/Pickup Options can be set at the Customer level; then, when a Sales Order is created for that customer, their Delivery/Pickup preferences automatically populate on the Sales Order. So no one really has to “remember” to do anything per-se.