Order one Part Number > Stock as Multiple Part Numbers

We have four parts in our system that are used in different sub assemblies of the method. The system can track these parts as part of the MOM. However, the supplier sales us these parts under one part number. Does the Epicor system have anyway to configure a scenario like this. We place a PO for one part number with the supplier. They ship use the part number which includes 4 parts in the package they send us. We then need to inventory each of the four part numbers as they are received. So instead of receiving the one part number it needs to receive into inventory for each of the 4 part numbers. Is there anything in Part Maintenance that can support this? Thanks!

One method would be to have 5 unique P/N’s.

  • One for the part you purchase(say PUR-001), and four for the parts that you stock(STK-001 through STK-004).
  • PUR-001 would not be Qty Bearing.
  • One of the 4 is manufactured (say STK-001). The other 3 are Co-parts of that manufactured part.
  • The BOM for STK-001 requires (1) of PUR-001, and makes Co-parts STK-002, STK-003, and STK-004.
  • Jobs would be created to meet the demand for STK-001 thrugh STK-004
  • Your PO would be for PUR-001, purchased to the jobs for the STK-xxx parts.
  • PO Receipt would receive against the Job
  • The Job would consume the PUR-001 part, and make STK-001, STK-002, STK-003, and STK-004.
  • Supplier packing slips and invoices would match the PO