Order Job Wizard Incorrectly Pulling Revisions from Different Sites

Our company has two sites (Oconomowoc & PMTC). We are coming across the below issue when using Order Job Wizard. Curious if anyone else has experienced this issue? Is it intentional functionality to allow a revision from a different plant to be loaded into a job using the wizard or is this a bug? I do have a case created with EpicCare as well (CS0001750429).

Part only exists in Plant = PMTC
Revision only exists in Plant = PMTC

Order Entry mistakenly enters the SO Line Release while logged into Plant = Oconomowoc making the release From Site default to Oconomowoc even though the part revision does not exist in Oconomowoc.

Suggestion shows up on the Oconomowoc Planning Workbench since the order release indicates we want to fulfill the demand from Oconomowoc

When using the Create Job feature, the Planner selects Order Release and checks the boxes “Get Details” and “Schedule” then Create Job

When Job Entry opens, the job header detail has been created but no BOM/BOO is pulled in because no BOM/BOO exists for this particular part in Plant Oconomowoc. THIS IS CORRECT AND THE EXPECTED BEHAVIOR WE ARE CUSTOM TO. This same behavior occurs if we manually try to create a job in Job Entry for the same part.

However, if we use Order Job Wizard from the planning workbench, the BOM/BOO from Plant PMTC is pulled into the new job even though the BOM/BOO does not exist in Oconomowoc. This is very concerning as how would we know that the BOM/BOO was from a different plant? Why does the Order Job Wizard allow the BOM/BOO from another plant (PMTC) to be pulled into Plant Oconomowoc when the method does not exist in Oconomowoc and the other two methods of job creation (manual and Create Job from PW) don’t allow it?

Hi Becky,

We don’t use order job wizard because of this, which we found to be the case back in E9. I just tested in E10 and see the same, but the order job wizard did warn user “no details” getting pulled. Better than nothing…
However, I think that your real problem has more to do with selection of correct release plant for a part being ordered. We have 3 plants and this historically has been somewhat difficult.
We use product group sales plant to get good plant defaults on parts that belong to product family we know will be manufactured in a particular plant. This has helped tremendously.
If that doesn’t work, perhaps a bpm to get correct plant in there from the approved rev.

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