Order Job Wizard constantly pulling incorrect price

I’m wondering if anyone can help point me in a direction here. To begin with, here’s a little info on the foundation of this problem:

We have some configurable quotes powered by a custom built website. Our site allows for us to export these quotes out to Epicor / Kinetic once a user is ready. We do this using the REST API. I won’t bore anybody with the details about the quoting setup unless it becomes relevant. What is important to know is that we charge a certain fee based on the expected ship date of an order to account for material price increases. For that, we create what we call an Escalation line. When using REST to create the lines in Epicor we get our data coming through as expected on the quote entry screen. However, we have an issue that refuses to go away where the line pricing changes to incorrect values when converted to a sales order.

I’ve attempted for over 2 years to have official support give me any idea as to what could cause this, but I’ve consistently gotten the same two answers of either “Do a stack trace, the REST implementation is the same logic”, or “That’s custom code pay someone for a fix.” Instead I guess I’ll try my luck here. All I’m really hoping for is that someone might be able to tell me what fields could cause data to be ignored or changed incorrectly when converting between a quote and an order. I imagine that I’ve simply glossed over something that Epicor considers to be an important field, and as a result the order gets created with invalid data instead of pulling it correctly from a quote line. Any assistance is much appreciated. If needed I can post some example data, but again I’m really looking mostly for an understanding of the quote / order fields and how they correlate rather than troubleshooting my code. What type of flags would cause prices to change or re-pull from somewhere else, etc.

Do you have any price lists that the system might be pulling from?

Let me double check on this. I know we have some price lists, but I strongly doubt that our Escalation Fee part would have any set values in any of those lists. That said I also don’t know if it would need any values in a price list for the existence of that list to mess with things. In any case, I’m verifying now whether that part is in any of them.

I double checked and I was correct that it isn’t on any of our price lists. Just a default price of $0.02 in the Part Master record. That is in fact the specific value it tends to default to on the orders.

Have you tried zeroing the price out on the Part?

I don’t believe so. I’m not sure why it was ever set with any value for a default to begin with. I can give that a shot on Wednesday though. I’d do it today but my boss is gone, and I don’t tend to like adjusting anything in the part screen without express permission.

I would try setting both lock price and override price list in OrderDtl to see if it stopped the changes.

Another thing I do when I am making orders from ECM with Sales Order Automation is have a bpm fix up data on the fly.

You could also put a bunch of fields in a change log to see if there was some other background process that would not show in a trace changing values.

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