Before I started, my company had an customization put in on order entry that when you select Price Lock a pop up screen comes up and ask for reasons. The reasons are a drop down menu. I ahve been asked to change those out. However, I cannot find it. Any ideas where to look to see?
Did you try this in developer mode? Might be another screen that pops up.
Yeah,I’ve checked, and am in it now. But I can not find the pop screen.
You could also check in Data Directives Maintenance on the OrderHed and OrderDtl tables. Or you can check and see if there’s a BPM in Method Directives Maintenance.
Maybe it is in the customization on the OE screen then. On the Price lock event.
To add on Luke’s post. It could be a BPM Data Form (<–solution). There is a BPM Data Form Designer that might be where you can make the change. This is under the System Management -> Business Process Management in E10
I checked all the BPM’s and while there are many for order Entry/Order tables, none of them have anything for price lock. Unfortunately.
In the customization, here is the only thing I can find in the code:
private void btnPriceLock_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
string Locked = edvOrderDtl.dataView[edvOrderDtl.Row][“LockPrice”].ToString();
string Reason = edvOrderDtl.dataView[edvOrderDtl.Row][“PriceLockReason_c”].ToString();
string LockBy = edvOrderDtl.dataView[edvOrderDtl.Row][“PriceLockBy_c”].ToString();
string Notes = edvOrderDtl.dataView[edvOrderDtl.Row][“PriceLockNotes_c”].ToString();
string Order = edvOrderDtl.dataView[edvOrderDtl.Row][“OrderNum”].ToString();
string Line = edvOrderDtl.dataView[edvOrderDtl.Row][“OrderLine”].ToString();
// MessageBox.Show(Order + Environment.NewLine + Line + Environment.NewLine + Locked + Environment.NewLine + Reason + Environment.NewLine + Notes + Environment.NewLine + LockBy);
if( Locked == "False" )
MessageBox.Show("Price is not locked for Sales Order " + Order + ", Line " + Line);
MessageBox.Show("Reason Code: " + Reason + Environment.NewLine + "Comments: " + Notes + Environment.NewLine + "User ID: " + LockBy);
To me this doesn’t seem like a pop up. But then again, i am not ure where to look inside the customization for a pop up.
The messagebox might be it. Change the text there to see.
What is the Enviornment.NewLine
Not following with the Message Box. As for Environment.NewLine, that i haveno idea. It is lsitd int he script section, but I don’t see a popup. Very frustrating.
Can we get a scheenshot of the pop up that may help determine where it is. It could be a BPM Data Form.
I did check the BPM’s and didn’t see anything. But I may of missed it. If you feel it is a BPM, I’ll look again and screenshot everything if need be.
YUP that’s a BPM Data Form.
This guy is where you’ll be able to modify it
I didn’t think of the BPM data form. Sigh. Thank you for helping me figure it out, and learn soemthing new.
I did mention that… lol
I just didn’t have the nice pictures.
LoL I gave you the solution Ken you are right you did say that first!
all good