Order Entry Application Error

When I try to retrieve a sales order in order entry, I get 2 errors repeatedly and when I finally click through the errors multiple times then the sales order fields are blank. If I try to do anything in that sales order I also repeat the same error process. This is a local problem with my user profile only however, I have tried my profile
on several machines and have the same error. I tried deleting my one customization and clearing the client cache. Neither action worked. Also, when I switched to developer mode and select Base Only, the order entry app works fine.

There’s one other spot where we sometimes get cache-like issues, if you go to the root of the C drive (or whatever is the main) in Windows Explorer, and check the Hidden Items option on the View tab. This will reveal the Program Data folder.

Within that folder, locate the Epicor folder. If you clear the data in that folder, that MAY solve the issue. It shouldn’t hurt anything, I’ve done it a couple of times myself.