Optional assembly charges

How would you set up a part that is sometimes sold assembled (at additional cost) and sometimes unassembled? Think flat pack furniture. The part number on the quote or sales order will be a part master part, but determined by a configurator.

I think it makes the most sense to add a misc charge for assembly. But we also need to capture the assembly labor. Has anyone ever set up parts and jobs like this?

I would set it up a part called Assembly which when selected, would be separate from the original part, having it’s own method and job related to it. This would capture the Assembly information separate from the part that you are selling.

I was thinking along those lines. It could be done a couple ways. If an Assembly part is added as a second line item, I think there would need to be something (even if it’s just a comment) telling the assemblers which line it refers to. I don’t know if a configurator can add lines, or if it can only modify the line it was invoked from. I wouldn’t want to put it on the sales people to create the Assembly line correctly.

Another option would be to have the configurator assign the regular part number if it’s not assembled, and Assembly if it is assembled. The Assembly part would have a part replacement BOM, and the material would be changed to the unassembled part. The problem I foresee is whether the configurator could leverage the built in price list functionality to price the Assembly line item depending on which item is being assembled.

What if the unassembled part has Assembly as a material, creating demand for Assembly only if Make Direct is checked on the release?

Unfortunately I don’t know how the configurator works but I like your idea of having Assembly as a material which could then create a demand for the assembly of the part being purchased as well as being able to capture the job data associated with the assembly. It would be something to test.

so… is the unassembled part simply a group of parts that are selected from inventory, or are the parts in the unassembled part custom?
Reason I ask…

  1. if they are a group of parts that simply need gathered and put into a box, this is a Sales Kit… Product Configurators can choose the correct part numbers to be put into the kit.
  2. if they need manufactured Direct, then you cannot use Sales Kits.

BUT… in case 2 above, you could have a product configurator KEEP the Assembly operations on the job if they want it assembled. You could also have the configurator adjust the price to include assembly costs.