I see they have what appear to be instructor-led online training courses for Epicor? Has anyone taken them?
I am unaware of their training options, but one thing that would concern me is that there is no mention of “Kinetic” which is (and has been for several years) the name for Epicor’s product. Also, in their list of topics, it appears to be fairly generic, without mentioning key words like “BAQ” or other normal Epicor functionality in the technical sessions.They also mention a few modules by a name that we do not call it.
Check out the content available to you on Epicors Official LMS. Try logging in with your EpicWeb WEB\username
Thanks, for helping identify some red flags! The Kinetic thing didn’t worry me, because Kinetic generally seems to be shorthand for the web version of Epicor, and we’re still using the client.
3rd party training can be more honest / straightforward (some vendor training courses feel like they were written by the marketing department), but it sounds like maybe the Koenig offering is subpar.
Thanks, I was able to access the LMS, though it seems like there is a waitlist for all of their trainer-led courses, and none scheduled.
Didn’t see much on end-user training, most of it seemed like sysadmin and developer topics (which I’m certainly interested in, but also would like to see some instructor-led basic module coursework).