We recently launched a quantity reporting program in our facility about 3 months ago. Now that we’ve been at it, we find there are opportunities to be more efficient. Our product is configurable and therefore most everything is a unique finished part number with a variety of components in the BOM and a generic finished good BOO. Each of the BOM items have a BOO of their own and currently are coded as non-stock.
When a job is released, this requires an employee at an operation to go into each sub-assembly and mark the quantity. A faster work around is utilizing Work Queue, but we find employees are just speed typing “1,1,1,1,1” and occasionally mistyping, and general lack of discipline. We tend to have anywhere from 15-25 sub-assemblies with roughly 3 reporting operations on each, so we’re finding it very time consuming and fixing all the mistakes is a job of its own.
I am curious if there’s any way for the sub-assemblies to maintain their own operations, but for them to roll up into one operation group at the top level. For instance, if 10 of 12 sub-assemblies require a paint operation, is there any way for all 10 paint operations to roll up into one “master” paint operation at the top level? That way the employee just reports the finished good as 1 paint completed and it backflushes all 10 of the sub-assembly paint operations. Our production works such that the very first operation is kitting a cart with all the parts that goes into the finished good, therefore completing one operation for the cart is representative of completing one operation towards the finished good. Where as now they complete the operations for the cart and they have to report the 15-25 sub-assembly quantities, which are all 1’s.
I appreciate any feedback from the user group.
Thank you,