I have been working on a dashboard that will open various other forms related to Jobs, i.e. Mass Issue, Serial Number Assignment. All was going well till i hit the Time and Expense portion(button). I have the logged in users id and can pass that to the TE entry ( stock menu item JCGO3002) and it opens fine. When I go to submit the entry, I get this error:
Exception caught in: System.Data
Error Detail
Message: Syntax error: Missing operand before ‘Or’ operator.
Program: System.Data.dll
Method: Parse
Client Stack Trace
at System.Data.ExpressionParser.Parse()
at System.Data.DataExpression…ctor(DataTable table, String expression, Type type)
at System.Data.DataView.set_RowFilter(String value)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiDataView.SetChildFilterAndNotifyChildViewWhenHasCurrentRow(EpiDataView childView, EpiNotifyArgs args, Boolean forceIt)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiDataView.SetChildFiltersAndNotifyChildViews(EpiNotifyArgs args, Boolean forceIt)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiDataView.Notify(EpiNotifyArgs args)
at Erp.UI.App.TimeAndExpenseEntry.Transaction.setPayRollDateProperty(String type)
at Erp.UI.App.TimeAndExpenseEntry.TimeExpenseForm.trans_TimExpDataChangedEvent()
at Erp.UI.App.TimeAndExpenseEntry.Transaction.Update()
Here is the code for the button press
private void BtnRecToStock_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
CallEmpBasicAdapterGetDefaultEmpIDMethod();// Code to get defaultEmpID
LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();
lfo.IsModal = true;
lfo.SuppressFormSearch = true;
lfo.ValueIn = defaultEmpID;
ProcessCaller.LaunchForm (oTrans ,"JCGO3002",lfo);
//ProcessCaller.LaunchForm (oTrans ,"UDTimeEn",lfo);
MessageBox.Show("Please Refresh the Form. ","Attention");
After I get this Error and click OK out of it, the item ( and Serial number) are placed into Inventory and the Labor is recorded ( according to the Work in Process Report). We Use Standard Labor for all jobs, we do not capture actual time when reporting Qty’s on the Time and Expense Entry. The Standard time is all lumped into the last operation and that is what we use for a standard Labor Cost ( Hrs x Fixed labor rate)…
If I go into Time and Expense Entry directly from the Epicor Menu system and navigate to the day and User ( me in all of the tests) I can then Submit the TE Entry without errors, the entry changes to approved.
Here are the 2 biggest questions…
- What are the ramifications of just blowing through the message screen ? ( not a good practice …ever…)
- How do I get the TE Entry screen to play nice with my simple button push ?
I have already experimented with stripping down the TE Entry screen , making whole sheets Not Visible to make it easier on the Users ( we don’t record Expenses through Epicor). but have removed the customization due to this last error.
We have been using Epicor for about 4 years and everyone is starting to get comfortable with it and we have never used the MES Screens. I am trying to keep the shop on the same page (dashboard) so to say. We are a smaller company and a lot of people wear several hats and what I have seen with the MES screens, it will not fill a majority of the needs. If I can’t get this project to fly, I may have to push for the MES route.
Thanks in advance for all your help. I have learned about 1/2 of what I know about customization from this forum.