Opening Balance table

Is the Opening balance for a specic GL account (Chart+div+dept) available anywhere?

The table GLPeriodBal only seems to store the opening balance for Natural segment.

I’m asking because accounting wants to Run the GL Report for accounts with specific division. I can get them all the transactions, but the want opening and ending balances too.
And right now all I can see is that each chart has an opeing balance, but I can’t tell what part of it is for what div (or dept)


Hi Calvin,

It should be in its own row in GLPeriodBal. Look at the Balance Type, you will find that you have Summary and Detail Balances. You are likely looking at a Summary Balance for the Natural Account.


Not sure what you mean. The BalanceType field is “B” for all rows.

We use 3 segments (Seg1: Chart, Seg:Div, Seg3:Dept). But the GLPeriodBalance table only has values in Seg1 (Chart / Natural Acct).

Did I setup the GL structure wrong? And if so, can it be changed (just for going forward)?


Hi Calvin,

Check your Chart of Accounts Maintenance for each of the 2 segments - Div and Dept. In the lower left, you probably want to check Include in Detail Balance and Include in Summary Balance for each. This should result still in only ‘B’ rows, and only for each combo of Seg1,2,3.

It’s possible to check Detail but not Summary, but then you start getting S and D rows in there. I find that most of our users don’t do that. I can be handy when you want to see rollups by Natural or by Dept in single rows.

Anyway, start by checking both boxes on both segments, then you will have to run VERIFY BALANCES from the GL General Ops. This clears the GLPeriodBal table and rebuilds it from GL the GL transaction details. Depending how many years of history you have, it could take a little time. Best not to run the rebuild while GL Transactions are being generated.


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Thanks Rick

Rick - Thanks for the detailed response.

Are there any concerns with making these changes?

Can they be done mid fiscal period?

Will segment based beginning balances (for prior fiscal periods) be automatically calculated and back populated? If so, to when? If not, how can the be set so future GL reports are accurate.

Thanks again