Open With..., using a different site

We’re multi-site, and while most functionality is site independent (you can open an Order created in any site, from any other site), a few things aren’t (You can only open a Packer from the site it was created in).

So If I’m in site ‘A’ and looking at an order in Order Tracker, the Shipments tab shows me all the related packers. Normally you can use Open With… and the form opens and loads the related packer. But if the Packer was created in site ‘B’, you get:


Any way to force the window to be opened to be for a specific site?

The Context Menu Maintenance doesn’t allow you select/force a site to use. Neither does Menu Maintenance.

You specify a site in a Favorite:


So I’m wondering if there is a way to select that favorite as the target of the Context Menu item,

I’m interested in this as well, but using a different company for open-with. We have a UD field that contains the other company’s sales order number.

It’d be great to open-with sales order tracker, and go right to the other company, vs currently copying the order number, going back to the homepage, opening SO Tracker in the other company, and then pasting it in.

Another thread was talking about opening E10 window from an external program, by creating .sysconfig file, then launching it. That would work in a round about way.

Would need to make a context menu that points to a menu Item that launches an external program. And have a BPM that creates the .sysconfig file, for that external program to launch.


We have implemented customizations on some calling programs to set the session.plantid when the job tracker, etc is opened via open with. Searching on session.plantid I see this post. Helpful?


@askulte -

I made a menu entry with the following:

Then assigned that menu to a context menu

When I use the newly added Context Menu item, it launches in the other site!!!

In the following GIF:

  1. Main window is open with site Chalfont
  2. Order Tracker is open with site Chalfont
  3. Using the default “Open With Cust Ship Tracker”, launches that tracker in 'Chalfont` but cannot load the record.
  4. Using the newly added “Open With Cust Ship Tracker (GUTH)” , launches that tracker in 'Guthrie` AND loads the record!

At the moment, the contents of the temp.sysconfig, are static. But a BPM might be able to update the <shortcut>...</shortcut> section of temp.sysconfig before it is launched.


That’s a really good work around and I be looking at using that for purchasing…It is big problem for us.

I am interested, how do you know which specific context menu to use?

On the PO issue (apologies for the cross post). Our situation is from time to time the user forgets which site they are in and raise a PO in the incorrect site. All the release lines pickup the incorrect site and warehouse. To save them having to either delete the PO and recreate, I tied into the site button on the Header tab and after changing the site it iterates through all the line releases and changes the site and warehouse.

My above post wasn’t a complete solution, but more of a “look whats possible”…

and I’m not sure what you are asking when you said

“I am interested, how do you know which specific context menu to use?”

How does the User know which to use?
I’d just make one, and then add some “magic code” that figured out which site (or company) the referenced item (the thing you right clicked on) is for. Then build the temp.sysconfig file that the menu item (that the context menu points to) uses in its “command line”

Ohhh EpiMagic :worried:

I misread/undertood.

Note to self read to the end of the post! Don’t get distracted by animations (turn off accute cat like tendancies!).

That was just short hand for

“code I’ve not yet determined how to make work, and might not even be possible”

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We have a similar issue on the Order side. If the order is to be shipped from site GUTH, but the order is started in CHAL, the source of all the releases say CHAL. They need to go in an update every release (could be hundreds on an order).

So I added a dropdown and a button on the Summary sheet. The dropdown lists all the sites. They select the one they want to update all of the Release’s “ship from” to be. Then the button updates all the releases. Kind of like when you change the ShipTo on the header and then hit OK when you are asked if you want to update the ShipTo on all the releases.

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