Open with Timephase Inquiry - Multi plant

Did you ever solve this issue?
What did you end up with? 
We have the same need. 


Good Morning,


We are a multi plant company with shared inventory and usage of transfer parts.  Timephased Inquiry directly from the menu structure allows plant pick on the plant field.  "Open With" timephase from part number field provides the part lookup for the plant, but the plant is not editable (nor the part number, for that matter).  We frequently need to vary the plant to evaluate demands in other plants for the part we are looking at.  This is very annoying to have to go to menu trime phased inquiry and then open it.


The timephase program opened from both spots (main menu and context) has the same process id.  Anyone have any ideas on a "not too difficult" means of providing the menu timephase from the open with context menu without lots of customization?


thanks very much for your consideration,
