Field help says op complete is op complete while “complete” has to do with the transaction. But I don’t buy that. Sometimes “complete” never gets checked unless you manually do it. And do I care?
Oh, and then I read this post, which I see is saying that my efforts with an app integration are quasi-futile anyway, since it seems to be unreliable. Yay!
“OpComplete” is tied to JobOper.OpComplete and is basically whether or not the op, as a whole, is considered done.
“Complete” indicates whether or not the setup or production steps within the op are considered done. So, in theory, an op can have a couple of these, and I’m assuming (I’ve never tested this) they’d tie out to JobOper.SetupComplete and JobOper.ProdComplete. In practice, I’d imagine only completing setup would be useful since there really shouldn’t be a step after production.
This is based on documentation. I (again) haven’t tested it myself. We use the “force setup completion” option in site config since the beginning of production implies the completion of setup (and OpComplete implies completion of production) therefore checking the box is duplicative effort. YMMV
We don’t use the setup feature, so I guess I glossed over this at first. But now I see what you mean - at least per the Data Dictionary.
Yep. I did some tests since you said that, and that seems to bear out. This is the grid view in Job Tracker, with those columns unhidden. I did three tests.