OnPrem Kinetic 2023.1 - Where is DMT? Separate install still?

Just installed on prem 2023.1 for some testing and can’t find DMT. Is there a web-based version that I should see in 2023.1, or is it still a separate install somewhere?

Looking, looking… don’t see.

Thank you.

Nevermind. Found my answer in the Kinetic Install PDF:

Accessing the Data Management Tool
Data Management Tool (DMT) is part of Kinetic installation. You can use DMT to accelerate and simplify
the data migration process as well as efficiently maintain your existing system data.
In this article, we cover how to run the DMT application:

  1. Navigate to the folder where you installed Kinetic. For example, C:\ Epicor\ERP11\11.2.300.0.
  2. Open the ClientDeployment > Client folder.
  3. Locate and run the DMT application executable file.
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And if you haven’t already, make sure you give yourself DMT rights in User Account Security. Also, make sure you have an updated license installed to be able to run DMT. The .lic file won’t work anymore.

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Thanks. I’m finding this out now as I can’t seem to open it.

Okay, now I am in. Two things:

  1. I didn’t need to have DMT rights turned on in User Account Security (I assume because I’m using an account with Security Manager rights)?

  2. The 2023.1 version we installed was updated to the .5 patch, which has a known error in the DMT config file (go figure). A new config file is provided on EpicCare:
