Only change the Lot number and serial number

Hello everyone,

Our production team says that only the lot number and serial number should be changed, not the part number.
In this case, is there a way to handle it?
Since we couldn’t find a way, we are thinking of creating a new job, manufacturing part A into part B, and then manufacturing part B again into part A. But this method is too cumbersome.
Please help. Thank you in advance.

I know you can update Lot Numbers very easily via Inventory Transfer. You just make the FROM and TO bins the same and you can set the new lot number.

My company isn’t serial tracking, so I can’t test or confirm… but it looks like you MIGHT be able to assign a new Serial Number in “Return Material”.

You could test issuing material to a job, and then returning it as a different Lot & Serial.

Again, I don’t have experience with Serials, but you may be able to Void the current number in Serial Number Maint. and then assign a new one.

For serials, you can create and reassign them in Serial Number [Maintenance].

It’s not meant to be used much if it all. But it can get you out of a bind.

THE POINT is that you don’t want to end up with 10 EA of something in inventory and 11 (or 9) serial numbers (for the same part) with a status of “Inventory.”

Or qty-adjust one part in and the other part out. We’ve done that many times to “fix” a serial.

Agreed, and that is just about the weirdest quirk of Epicor I know of.

Keep in mind that whoever may be auditing your serial number compliance (I’m thinking Aerospace or Medical regulatory specifically) might find this to be… um… less than perfectly acceptable for traceability purposes.

Thank you for your great idea. I confirmed that the lot number can be easily changed in Inventory Transfer. But, I could not change the serial number in “Return Material”. Because “Return Material” is a work on raw material, and I need to change the serial of finished good.
I think I may have gone about it the wrong way. Could you please tell me more about this method?

Yeah, you’re correct. Return material would only be for Raw Materials. I didn’t think about the fact that you were doing finished parts.

There is also an Issue Assembly and Return Assembly… so you may be able to test that.

Again, I don’t have experience with Serial Numbers so I’m just lobbing out ideas.

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