One Deposit Payment for Two Orders

A customer made ONE deposit payment for TWO orders. What is the proper way to process this so cash will show the one deposit but allocated properly to each order?

does the AR advanced deposit allow two lines and support multiple orders?

Are you meaning in Cash Receipt or Invoice Entry? Cash receipt…no. I am thinking about creating 2 New Deposit Billings, one for each order in Invoice Entry, then applying payment in Cash Receipt A/R. Does that sound correct?

What I really meant was In AR Invoice Entry, you can create a deposit invoice, which you can then receive cash against. I think you have the same idea.

Invoice Types

  • Deposit Billing – This invoice type is a customer down payment or prepayment. You receive deposit billings as prepayments against a sales order. When you create a Deposit Billing invoice, only one detail line is created. For more information, read the How do I enter a customer deposit? topic.


That is what I will do. Thank you!