One customer part order being supplied by 2-3 different internal items?

Example: Customer orders Part 12345, and i have 3 internal part numbers that can fulfill that one item?

My parts 70003, 70004, 70005 can fulfill the requirement of 12345?
Not sure if this can be done or what would need to be done in EPicor to accomplish this.

Hi Cory,

Have you looked at Alternates under Part Maintenance? There you can set up an internal part as a substitute.

In Quote and Order Entry, the button next to Revision on the Line tab is the Substitutes function. It will bring up all of the parts that can be sold in place of one another. Learned this from @timshuwy.

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The problem with that is that the cross reference to the customer part needs to be the same the same. So not sure I can do that.

Just curious, how does one know which of the three parts to ship today when the customer gives you only one part number?

Good question – but in our case it won’t matter per se, as all 3 parts perform the same function – with slightly different specs.

At some point, somebody has to make the call. Who is it and when is that decision made? That would certainly affect how I would construct a solution.

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