One company - 36 plants


I have a situation, we are in process of business process mapping and, have 36 sites to be defined under one company. Accounts want Epicor to maintain P&L & BS for each plant separately.

Any help/guidance would be of great help.

Kind Regards
S Rakesh


Epicor will track most transactions site level natively. You can also assign customers and vendors to a GL control code for each site.
Take a look through the tech reference guides for AR/AP/Inventory transactions.
I have done what you are trying to accomplish, I did all of this using the GL control codes and not needing custom posting rules.


At my previous company we flexed the division based on custom fields in Sales Order Entry, Invoice Entry for Misc Invoices, and the other places that can bill the customer, then modified the posting rules to use the new value

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Epicor can keep track of the Balance Sheet accounts for Inventory… This has always been “easy” because you can flex the DIVISION at the SITE level… each site can (optional) have a different division from each other. Then when a part is purchased into a site, it will flex the division based on the division assigned to that site. Also, if you do an inventory transfer from one site to another, it will move that inventory.
The same goes for SALES… when you sell something, the Division will flex in the COGS and SALES accounts, so you know which division is credited with the sale/cogs.
The CHALLENGE is for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. These accounts do NOT flex. They are set at the COMPANY level. So, if you sell the product to a customer, it falls into one AR account, no matter which site sold it. The only way to “control” this is to have separate customer lists for each site, which is typically not a good idea.
Yes, there is a workaround to have posting rules assigned to flex the division on the AR, but there comes additional complications… such as: what do you do when a customer pays all their invoices from multiple sites with one payment and those invoices are for multiple divisions.
In Summary: If you choose to use the “base code” and not do anything special:

  1. you can see Inventory (balance sheet) by division
  2. you can see COGS, Sales, Adjustments, Expenses, etc (P&L) by division as well.
  3. you can NOT see AR/AP (balance sheet) by division.

BONUS ANSWER: (you didn’t ask this, but it is typically the next question): You can also have your COSTS defined by SITE… you can optionally create a separate COSTID and assign each site it’s own cost ID… this then allows the cost of each item to be different at each site. What this will also do is if you transfer inventory from one site to another, and if those sites are Standard Cost, and the costs are different, the system will do a “transfer cost variance” to account for the difference between the two costs.


Thanks All for your replies… much appreciated. However, to make it more complex client do inter-site sale and purchase too, in that case my TB (site-wise) will not match… any thought here?

If they are doing sale and purchase, that suggests 2 different legal entities - and therefore should NOT be within the same Epicor company.

Make the company structure in Epicor match the reality. It’s either multiple legal entities (companies) trading with each other, or it’s multiple locations within the same legal entity (sites).


Make each Plant a Company in Epicor instead of a Plant.

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Also another way to do it. Then you have to learn intercompany movements pretty well, but per the OP and his requirements for intersite purchase and sale it really sounds like you need 36 companies…

One thing we haven’t figured out how to do is move COGS from a manufacturing site to a retail site. The normal answer would be transfer orders, but transfer orders can only be filled from inventory and cannot carry configurator inputs.

Thanks everyone for your valuable feedback and insight, much appreciated… will explore more options like self-balancing segments, and multi-company setup.

Just an added note on the AP and AR…you can assign AR GL Controls to a customer and drive the AR to a different AR Balance sheet account. Same for AP.

Thanks Rick !

Multi-company setup has intercompany trader which will create a sales order when a purchase order is created in the inventory company to the manufacturing company.
When the sales order ships a packing slip is automatically created in the inventory company.
Finally - when the AR invoice is created an AP invoice is place in a group to be reviewed automatically.

Recommend that you have one master company for managing all of the parts to keep things in control.

If you stick with Plants - I have done the AR and AP posting rules for the division segments of the accounts…so it can be done.

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Thanks Larson… much appreciated