On Hand Inventory for Previous Dates

No better way. You only option are how you deploy. Simplest to do is create an app that starts with the current o/h NOW and just pulls all the pas trans records for that part (infinitely) in the appropraite order.

You can then do a reverse netting calulculation to show O/H before or after any transaction date of interest.

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, adam.whipp <adam.whipp@...> wrote:

From: adam.whipp <adam.whipp@...>
Subject: [Vantage] On Hand Inventory for Previous Dates
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 11:31 AM

We are trying to create a report that would show on hand inventory for
a date specified in the past, similar to a stock status report, but we
need to add some extra information. The only way I can think to do
this would be to look at partwhse.onhandqty and then look at the
parttran table and either add or subtract each qty depending on
trantype bewteen the specified day and today. Is there any better way
to do this? Thanks in advance for your help,

Adam Whipp
We are trying to create a report that would show on hand inventory for
a date specified in the past, similar to a stock status report, but we
need to add some extra information. The only way I can think to do
this would be to look at partwhse.onhandqty and then look at the
parttran table and either add or subtract each qty depending on
trantype bewteen the specified day and today. Is there any better way
to do this? Thanks in advance for your help,

Adam Whipp