On-Hand Conversion 6430

We run conversion program 9201 (correct part lot on hand flag) weekly,
due a mass receipt bug in 9.05.603 with lot tracked parts, fixed in 605
(I think). We've never had to run 6430, but I know others on this list
run it regularly.

If Epicor says something is a bug, bug them for an SCR number. That's
their bug tracking number, turns your help call into a (tiny) vote to
get the bug fixed faster, and let's you check the status of the bug fix.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of Anon
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 8:58 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] On-Hand Conversion 6430

We were having an issue with a non-stock, non-qty bearing part not being
able to ship per the error "There is not enough unallocated inventory in
this bin for this transaction." When looking at the part it showed a -72
on-hand. I got in touch with support, we checked that both the Part and
PartPlant were marked as non-stock and non-qty bearing. They were. He
then proceeded to inform me that there is a bug in the AMM module, which
we have, that will cause this. He advised that we run conversion 6430.
After doing so the on-hand level came back up and things appear to be,
though so far untested, good.

The thing that's kicking me, is he said this conversion is something we
will have to run weekly and that it cannot be scheduled. First, is this
true, will we have to run this weekly? Second, if so is there really no
way to schedule it to run automatically? Third, are there any other
conversions like this hanging out there that I should be running

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We were having an issue with a non-stock, non-qty bearing part not being able to ship per the error "There is not enough unallocated inventory in this bin for this transaction." When looking at the part it showed a -72 on-hand. I got in touch with support, we checked that both the Part and PartPlant were marked as non-stock and non-qty bearing. They were. He then proceeded to inform me that there is a bug in the AMM module, which we have, that will cause this. He advised that we run conversion 6430. After doing so the on-hand level came back up and things appear to be, though so far untested, good.

The thing that's kicking me, is he said this conversion is something we will have to run weekly and that it cannot be scheduled. First, is this true, will we have to run this weekly? Second, if so is there really no way to schedule it to run automatically? Third, are there any other conversions like this hanging out there that I should be running regularly?
We're on 9.05.606 SQL and we have to run 6430 weekly and unfortunately, you can't run the conversion routines automatically. One time we had to run 6430 during the week and you have to run it with no one logged in. It all depends on the importance of the parts it's fixing. Another one we do monthly is 5100 to re-calculate Low Level Codes. If you dump the Part.LowLevelCode's before and after and they change, you need to run it periodically. Then check again when you upgrade to another release.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anon" <jgiese@...>
To: <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 5:57 AM
Subject: [Vantage] On-Hand Conversion 6430

> We were having an issue with a non-stock, non-qty bearing part not being able to ship per the error "There is not enough unallocated inventory in this bin for this transaction." When looking at the part it showed a -72 on-hand. I got in touch with support, we checked that both the Part and PartPlant were marked as non-stock and non-qty bearing. They were. He then proceeded to inform me that there is a bug in the AMM module, which we have, that will cause this. He advised that we run conversion 6430. After doing so the on-hand level came back up and things appear to be, though so far untested, good.
> The thing that's kicking me, is he said this conversion is something we will have to run weekly and that it cannot be scheduled. First, is this true, will we have to run this weekly? Second, if so is there really no way to schedule it to run automatically? Third, are there any other conversions like this hanging out there that I should be running regularly?
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]