On Form Change BPM - Help Needed

I have been asked to create a modification that would allow a user to enter a value into the JobReceiptToTransaction and would highlight red if the job they were entering plus what has already been received exceeds the jobs production qty. I would like to see if this is possible using a BPM or if this is even accomplishable without a customization. Thanks for the help!

I would do a Row Rule


Hey John,

Thanks for the quick response! Would you mind giving me a little insight as to what those are and how to set them up?


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@kylepbsps @jkane,

Customizations are what I was afraid of. We upgrade frequently and I try to keep customizations to a minimum to reduce headaches when those upgrades come around. Have you guys had decent experiences with row rules and upgrades or are they as problematic as normal customization?

I think its safer than a BPM. I have had trouble when moving and adding fields, but not highlighting. You can do this in dashboards also if that helps.

I have this Data Directive for warning when over issuing a part. It still proceeds but pops up a warning for them to notify manager to correct it. It’s not very elegant.

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@dgreenEA - A RowRule by itself is going to fall short for your needs. They are best for comparing the value of a field to a static value. Your problem will be that you want to check when the the field’s value PLUS some other info, exceeds some value.

Since Row Rules work on dataviews, you’re probably going to have to add a column that holds the sum of the field value and that other data. Then the RowRule can determine when it is exceeded.

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I just got done building something similar on a method directive. The reason I’m interested in the row rules is that I was asked to try and reduce the amount of clicks a user would have to do. The primes would be that a user would go in and enter a 2 where the prod value was 1 and before that user would click update it would go red indicating that they entered an amount over what was required. Instead of having them enter it and then click update only to have to click cancel when they realized the mistake. Thanks for the help!


I’m digging into this a little bit and I’m not seeing where I can pull data from a data table to compare against.

I would like to reference the job listed in the parttran table against the jobhead table and pull out production qty. How might I be able to do that here?

That’s exactly the issue I was pointing out.

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ALL screen customizations currently in use will NOT upgrade to the Kinetic interface in Epicor 11. The Modern Shell interface will still be available, and customizations will continue to work, but they will eventually need to be rewritten. As of right now there is no ability to put code in a Kinetic screen customization, and as far as I know none has been announced… if anyone has any other information it would be a good time to shout.

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