Old Record Stuck - Suggestions on Marking Part Inactive?

Manufactured Part = InActive check box greyed out.
Part is old, last transaction date 2008
Somehow we:
Received a OSS PO to inspection processing then deleted the receipt line.
I can’t reopen the old job and post it. (Message receipt not marked received.)
I can’t fail the parts to a DMR. (Message receipt not marked received.)
Can’t recreate the receipt line 1, when I add a line to this receipt header it adds it as line 2.
I just want to mark the part Inactive. But it would be nice to some how delete the receipt to inspection processing.
I’m stuck, and suggestions?

I thought ‘Inactive’ was only unavailable if the part had on hand quantity, I guess quantity in inspection counts too?

Sounds like you might need a datafix. You should still be able to mark the part as ‘Run Out’ until you get it squared away.

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‘Run Out’ is a good suggestion. Thx