Old part number - wrong unit of measure

Hello All,
I’m trying to Un-mess-up an old problem.
The long story is that we created a part with a wrong unit of measure. That part had a drawing to match and after our first receipt of that part, we recognized the problem with the unit of measure and didn’t know how to fix it. At the time, we decided to create a new part number instead.
Fast forward 5 years and we’re still ordering the second part number we created, but are using the print with the first part number. The part numbers are close, but they aren’t the same, so our vendor sometimes ships us a part with the first part number and sometimes ships it with the second part number.

In other ERP systems i’ve used, I’ve been able to change the part number in the system to something like 55904-old and doing that would allow me to create 55904 as a new part number.
Yes, I lose history, but no matter how I fix this, I’m going to lose history.

Is this something that can be done in Kinetic?

I understand being locked out once you have a transaction, but is there any hope of going back to that original part number and not having to modify the drawing we have for it?

My only other option to fix this on both sides is to create a whole new part number, which makes me lose history on the EPICOR side and create a new drawing for that new part number, which makes me have to create a new drawing.

Thanks in advance!

There is Part UOM conversion that possibly would allow you to change the incorrect UOM and keep the original part. I think the new class has to contain the orig UOM and the new UOM. I have had very few parts that would pass the rules.

Do the two uoms have a conversion between them? or are they 1 to 1?


If I am not wrong to use the UOM Conversion tool you need to qty adjust out all On hand, do the conversion and qty adjust back in… plus there are a lot of criteria that is required to ensure the part data is in the correct state before running.

Do a search in the Kinetic UI help for “Running the Part UOM Conversion Process” there is an impressive guide and detail on how to use it.

Considering you have been transacting the part for such a long time, I think you will be out of luck Creating a new part is going to be the path of least resistance.

Good Luck with your endeavour.


Thanks for the help. The issue was that the part was created at a length and we need it in each. I’ll see if I can get that to work.

Using the conversion workbench is a chore. I does give informative messages though if you’ve missed anything, but you need to scrub all active records with that part number. You will need to have a conversion factor set up between your units of measure to make it work. Kinetic does not allow you to change a part number. You could set up a supplier part number cross reference (on a supplier price list) so that if anyone ever types in the old number in a PO, it automatically converts it to what the supplier should send.

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We have a UOM Class for tape that is EA to FT and for this kind of issue the FT to EA is 1 to 1. Then the sales and purchase UOM are EA. It is ugly, but they don’t want to lose the part number and it was wrong for a long time before they noticed or cared.

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Thank you. We have done that on a few of our other parts and I know that works well. That’s another good idea to do when we change it, is make sure if they type in either of these numbers that it automatically populates the new number we create.

Here’s what I’m working with.

Realistically, I want everything at each.
I can change Purchasing to order at each and sales to sell at each, but inventory would continue to show in FT.

If we ignored the UOM on this part, I think we could get by.

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This is probably a dumb question, but I see the path to get to Part UOM Conversion, but don’t see it.

Maybe I don’t have the ‘rights’ to System Setup or System Maintenance?
I’m looking at the home/main menu page after logging in.

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It has its own security code and it may not be seen by anyone, but a security manager unless someone got assigned.

If you search for UOM and Part UOM Conversion is not in the list you do not have access.

One company I worked at had a uom class named length and we had UOMs for 300mm intervals from 600mm to 6000mm Now that was ugly. :slight_smile: That was before the days of MUOM.

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