Offset DMRs to zero

We have a bunch of DMRs that accounting wants to zero out rather than post them and credit them all. They tried to enter a negative miscellaneous charge to set each one to zero, but that will not print an edit list or post. I have a ticket open with support, but if what they want to do is not possible then I will have them remove all of the negatives and post and reverse all of them.

Thanks for any thoughts.

I’m not 100%, been awhile in this area, but I’m pretty sure accounting can delete the items in the AP Group and then you can run a DMT to delete all the DMR Credit Actions to prevent those DMR’s from coming back up again when they Get DMR Credits.
Just an off the cuff thought…
Maybe I’m misunderstanding though.

@Rick_Bird Thanks. I will take a run at that tonight with our Test system.

Hi, we just ran into the same problem. Did you have a solution for this in the end?

I have an alternative solution that we are testing but I’m not sure if it is the safe way to do it:
For each of the DMR Invoice Entry, goto Lines->GL Analysis; then delete the entire row which has a Document amount “0”.

This then allows the DMR to be posted instead of throwing a warning. (Is this safe?!!)

We check that the DMR Invoice is automatically marked “Closed”. Our compnay is configured to use legal numbering.
The legal number is still given, but there will be no accounting entries related to the legal number (i.e. no GL journal numbers)

When the user rejects a DMR, they need to select “No Further Action” if the supplier is not going to issue a credit note.
In this case, my recommendation is to leave the default value in DMR and after posting it, adjust using Adjustment Entry. When DMR is created, it creates GL transaction based on reason code selected which will be reversed by AP debit memo creation.

No, We needed them completed, so we posted them and adjusted them.

Thanks for both of your inputs. We also decided to adjust them using Adjustment Entry.

Sing Wang Ho