Off Topic - Looking for additional resources for report writing


We are looking for additional resources to either write or assist in writing some reports. We are on 8.03.409C SQL.

Please respond directly to kschoenung@... with responses.
Please include:

Vantage User or Consultant?:
Rate for billing:
Must give quote for each project - OK?:
Years of Experience with Vantange/Epicor:
Modules of Vantage that you have most experience using:
Level of familiarity with Tables/Relationships:
BAQ experience Level (few tables, moderate, many tables, different joins etc):
Crystal Reports experience Level:
SQL experience level:
Physical Location (city,State):
Remote capabilities?:
Willing to colaborate and instruct?:

Please include contact information here:

Thank you,
Karen Schoenung
Fisher Barton