Our company has been having trouble with licensing since the 2023.2.6 update. Last Friday all was well but since the update we have had a lot of users unable to get into Epicor the past two days. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s almost as if users are no longer timing out as they used to. We still have everyone’s license timeout set to 15 minutes.
No issues to report here. There is a form called Company Config & License Tracker. You can use the license tab to retrieve license information and see what is used and available.
Do you use Collaborate? We had a similar issue after our 2022.2 on-prem upgrade. Turned out Collaborate was keeping all the sessions alive and hence we were running out of licensing consistantly.
I have never heard of collaborate until today. Funny enough we received an email about the collaborate update to fix your bug right around when you sent this.
It may also be worth checking User Account and Security Maintenance to see if users have the “Allow Multiple Session” ticked. If they do, then they can take up more than one license. We generally turn this off for most users.
We do have this turned off for almost all users. I have been actively monitoring our sessions and kicking people out when they have multiple sessions going.
Hi Chris, We are having a similar issue at my company - after activating Collaborate we quickly run out of licenses. Do you know how your company was able to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.
The issue revolves around Collaborate and how it communicates. We ended up removing Collaborate from our system to resolve the problem and Epicor removed the Collaborate license from our license pack.
If you require Collaborate to remain installed (we weren’t using it so not such a problem for us) I would suggest contacting Epicor support - we were assured this was being resolved. I have a support ID you can reference if that helps PRB0270944
Ok thank you for that. We have a ticket open with Epicor as well, they said the issue was resolved but we just tested it again this morning and had the same issue. If/when this gets resolved I’ll be sure to post the solution here. Thanks again.
My company does not have collaborate but after the most recent updates it was somehow enabled in our instance. It was a painful few weeks constantly having insufficient licenses before they realized the mistake.
That being said, we also received an email saying collaborate was updated to fix this issue so I’m not sure why it was still causing problems.