Not able to pull the right information in a dataview

Hello, I’m trying to update a field with the part number inside the dataview called PODetail. However if you have multiple lines on the PO, the Dataview looks like this,

When I try to pull the information, its acting like it isn’t pulling the right part number. I’ve tried to use the POLine for a parameter however the ‘GetByID’ for ‘Erp.BO.PartSvc’ only requires a partNum and not a POLine so it doesn’t function right.

What exactly are you trying to update?

I am trying to display the Drawing Number (located in the PartRev table) when you put in a part number. I have a dataview that pulls from the PartRev table and an event that runs a rest-erp that pulls the part number from PODetail.PartNum and returns the information back to the PartRev dataview.

Find you a place to hang a dataview-condition widget off of.

set it up kind of like:

Then go to the events menu on the left side of the screen, add a new event
called maybe ‘loopRows’ (just match what you set up before)

That’ll give you a foreach that matches on each row. Then you can do what you want
for each. I just used a console to make sure I had it.

I see the idea with this and it works with every event that I’m trying to tie it to except the one when switching lines between these arrow keys.
When using these to switch lines it runs this sequence of events:

When I tie my own event to run after this event it pulls the part number from the previous line and not the new line.

Where are you pulling it from? The current row in the dataset should be the one you are on after this event.

I’m just using the part number from PODetail.PartNum(which is what the field in the page is epbinded to). It’s acting like when I click the lines, it runs the event, then runs my event, then updates the PODetail.PartNum.

Add a new event. By itself.

To be clear for everyone, you were connected to Row Changing, now it will be Row Changed.

I’ve created the event above however it doesn’t seem to activate.

You saved and re-previewed right ?

Mine is working.

Oh I had the target as PODetail.Partnum and not PODetail

I got it to work! Thanks for your help.

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