Is anyone using the Nonconformance in E10. We are testing and can’t get it to give us a list of reason codes for the inventory nonconformance. In E9 it was using our inventory adjustment reasons, but we aren’t seeing any in E10 & they are all built in. Is something not checked right somewhere?
The NCR reasons are under the “Scrap” Reason Type. You need to create them under that and select where they would apply.
We use them. Open up your Reason code maintenance and look at the reason codes you want to use. I think there are check boxes for where they show up.
I found this, but in our E9 when we choose the dropdown on the nonconformance it brings us to our inventory adjustment reasons, not the scrap. But I do see that it will only let us check the scrap boxes in the “scrap” reason type. Not sure how we got it to do what it’s doing in E9, but I guess I may need to create more reason codes under “scrap” type to make it work in E10.
Gloria Kuhnlein
Great Lakes Custom Tool Mfg., Inc.
101 N Old Peshtigo Road
Peshtigo, WI 54157
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The same thing happened to us in our move from E9 to E10. We simply re-created the reason codes under scrap in E10.
Thank you, that’s exactly what I did.