
Trying to move bad material out of a job - but getting qty exceeds error for op 10 but material was failed at op50 see image
Operation seq is grayed out - not allowing us to change to the correct op


I would review the WIP bins to see where the material is residing. The error is saying that the material should be in bin 01A-1 and is not.

It looks to me that the material is sitting in the correct Bin – let me know what I am missing


Are you looking in Part Tracker?

I was using Serial tracker

Part tracker shows a different job # in the on-hand part locations -WIP

But if I look at serial numbers in the part tracker it shows SN 1120 sitting in bin 01a-1

SO I am confused

SNs can very quickly get out of whack if things are not processed correctly.

Looking at your screenshot, are you trying to CREATE an NCR? If there is an issue with something on a job, I would recommend using the NCR field in End Activity instead of manually creating it.

Are you saying to use time and expense or from the MES screen?


MES. When you End Activity, there are 3 quantity fields that can be used. Complete is what is good and moving to the next operation, Scrap is what is getting thrown away, and NCR creates an NCR off of the Operation it is being reported against. This adds a record to Inspection Processing that Quality can see and perform the NCR.

Thanks – I will give that a try

We have had problems with serial number status getting “out of whack” when sending serial tracked parts to inspection/DMR. In some instances, we have been able to move serial tracked material without selected the serial number in inspection or DMR.

I believe I reported this as a bug a couple years ago, but I didn’t get far with it. We just train to select the serial number. A BPM would probably work better, it doesn’t happen often enough to warrant it - for now.
