Non EMWW mobile devices Kinetic Browser

I have uplifted our custom packout to Kinetic that we have used for many years. We had handheld many years ago, but limitations would not let us customize as needed with Lots & MFG-CUS shipments. Basically they scan a single barcode and in populates all the required pack out fields and quantity for each line.

I have done some testing on a few devices we have around just to get the feel for what to expect. Some tablets are unusably slow and others like the newer Ipad fine.
I would be looking for handhelds not tablets to do our on the floor pack out.

We are live on MES in the browser and some are a tad slow due to older PCs that were on terminal server. These are actual computers though and workable.
I am wondering if others are using the browser on mobile devices have some recommendations.

We’re using Honeywell CT60 Android handsets we bought from Epicor directly. They were selling for significantly less than the usual suspects, though they’re still pricey vs random Chinese tablets from Amazon Marketplace. We are using mobile warehouse, but I can’t imagine that app has less overhead than simply running MES on the browser. Overall, system performance is decent and floor staff haven’t broken any yet.

We’re mostly running them stock, though I have dipped my toe into customizing the barcode scanner output. We’re using AIAG-compliant labels to conform with industry practice and those come with prefixes baked into every barcode. I’m just filtering them out, but you can get deep into that and have it prepopulate whole forms based on prefix or placement.

If you’re interested, hit up your CAM and (s)he’ll route you to the hardware sales people.