Non-Conforming Sub assembly Operations

Hello all,

Bit of a loaded question but hear goes: We have many manufactured parts that have sub-assemblies. Often 1 of the operations on a sub assembly is not good and we need to re-work that part. We cannot find a good way in Epicor to do this and what ends up happening is the parts arrive at assembly and we are 1 part short to finish a unit. We would like a way to let Epicor know a forming operation on a subassembly was not good, so it can call JSM to create a job to replace that part. Does anyone have a good way within epicor to do this?

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Up, I’ll be interesting by the answer, we have the same problem, and found no way to do that

Looks like it’s just you and I Jarry! I cannot find any solutions for this. Which seems crazy as Epicor is a manufacturing software?? We have so many issues at a specific operation and no good way to report it and efficiently call for re-work and capture associated costs int he same job.

Have you looked at the Production Yield Recalculation functionality? I have not used it before, but based on the documentation, it sounds like it will do what you want. There is even someone on here who does use it. If you search for it here, you should find some posts.

I had a quick look. But it is not what I am looking for. We are looking for the staff using MES termimals to enter scrap, and the system know we need to make a replacement.

My apologies. If you want to show that supply will not meet demand, I believe you need to NCR the part from the job instead of scrapping it. Failing the NCR will create a DMR and Rejecting the DMR will remove the supply. You can then use the shop warnings or something custom to notify the correct people so additional material can be issued to the job.

Yes - We have experimented with “Non Conforming” and operation at the MES terminal, that sends it to inspection and it can be scrapped. The trouble is Epicor does not know you need to re-make a sub assembly to complete a job. I have a custom work around, but it is not assigning the costs and burdons. I have to believe there is a built in way to handle this common manufacturing scenario, but it seems this may be the way it is.

You need to action the DMR to remove the supply from the job. The way Epicor works, Scrapping or NCR’ing a quantity from a job does not remove the supply. Only Rejecting the quantity on the DMR will show that there is now a shortage on that job. In your test environment, NCR a quantity off of a job, reject the NCR to create a DMR, reject the DMR, then go to time phase to see that there is now a suggestion for the quantity you rejected.

I understand that you feel that this is a common manufacturing scenario, and I agree that it is, the issue is that there are multiple ways to handle this. You want to release additional material to the job and catch it up to the other subassemblies. Some companies have already added a scrap factor to their job and don’t want to do that. Other companies may want to cut a new job to make that missing piece. The possibilities are endless, and Epicor is built vanilla enough to meet almost every company needs without providing a concrete solution that would lock a company into only one solution.

John - Thanks so much for taking the time. I will try your suggestion. I was down that road, but I don’t think I rejected the DMR and perhaps that is what it would not create another sub-assembly material request. I will indeed give it a try. I appreciate you following up and will let you know how I make out.

The only thing that work is flagging as scrap in the job, and then we can see a need in the time phase on the subassembly. But that is not made from the MES screen, it needs to enter in the job…not easy…

I built a work around. The MES terminal users enter scrap, then I connected a BAQ to an Odata feed Excel Sheet that the fabrication manager refreshes each morning so he can see what parts are high priority. Then creates re-work for those parts. The MES must log back into the job (not in rework) or it will not pull the material again.