No ShipTo information Misc Invoice


We are trying to create a misalliance invoice from a sales order that contains the ShipTo address. But when we add the line and release to the misc invoice, the shipto address does not populate. We cannot enter the shipto code either as it’s grayed out.

We are not getting any errors, so I’m not sure what the issue may be. The customer setup looks correct.


Our company has had some confusion on this, as well. Concerning “Ship To”, don’t forget that the Customer record (as far as the customer address is concerned) is not a “Ship To” address. Make sure that you create a “Ship To” record for the Customer.

In addition, “Ship To” records for a specific Customer could have a customer “Contact” record, which also contains its own address data that shipments could be directed to on a Sales Order (under the “Attn:” field).

I did some previous analysis on “Setting Up a Customer and the Relation to Sales Order”, which I’ve captured in this graphic:

I realize that this graphic is a bit “messy”, but you can contact me for a more detailed explanation, if you wish.

Also - selecting, or not selecting a “ShipTo Contact” on the Sales Order Entry module has an affect on the Sales Order Acknowledgement in this manner:

Take a look at your customer setup and CRM module to make sure you have everything complete.

You have:

… then a ShipTo record for the Customer
(“Contact” records for the Company are completely different than “ShipTo” records)

… then a ShipTo Contact record for the ShipTo Record

If you focus on this record tree section of the large analysis graphic above:

… you can see how each of these records relate to each other.

Lastly, if your site is licensed for the Epicor Education Courses, you can take a detailed look the the CRM Module here under Epicor Help:

If you run through that course, take a look at how CRM data entry affects Sales Orders, Invoices, SO Acknowledgements, etc. - by pulling up these reports as you move along in the course. It definitely helps.

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Hi Bill,

Thank you for the detailed information. We do have a ship to record setup in the customer maintenance and the ship to information is in the quote and the sales order. For some reason, it’s not showing up in the Invoice entry screen when we enter the sales order number.

The Ship To shows only on the lines

For example, an order was created with a specific ship to

When creating the Misc Invoice, and entering the OrderNum, the Bill To on the Invoice Entry is populated with the the customer’s Bill To info


Ship To is line specific and is populated based on the Ship To for the Line/Release

Are you not getting what youe expect on the Line -> Detail sheet?

Confirm the Destination area on the Release -> Detail sheet is populated on the order


Hi Calvin,

Thank you for the tip. The issue was that there was no ship to details in the sales order, Release->Details.

It’s kind of strange how the shipto information was populated in the Sales order summary tab but not in the releases. Either way, we’re good now.

Thank you.