No PartBin records for given Part when zero quantity

Hello folks, happy Friday.

We have a simple BAQ to get the PartBin name (for picking purposes) for a given part that shows the BIN name to the picker.

The results of the BAQ are displayed on a automated storage machine console where the operator queries by PartNum telling them the bin.

However, when the part quantity reach zero, the PartBin table does not contain any records. As a result, we have no way of telling the operator we’re out of stock or what bin to pick from/refill.

Is this by design or is this a setup problem? It seems like we should be able to see what bin the part lives in normally, even if there is no quantity on hand, right?

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Yep, that’s by design.

There is not really a “where it lives normally,” except the primary bin, which is on the PlantWhse table, I believe (not PartWhse). But if you were DMT an update, it’s the Part Warehouse module. Go figure.


Design your BAQ with a subquery where the subquery would fetch the partbins
and in the main query, you connect that subquery via innerjoin, then add a calculated field where when there is a bin it shows the binID, else you could fill it with “EMPTY”.


Jason! That’s it … if I don’t get a bin back from PartBin, I can just use the PrimaryBin as a fallback. :+1: This will facilitate at least letting them know where they would “usually” find it.


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One other place to associate with bins is the PartBinInfo datatable. This can be populated with default bin information if you like. you could store multiple bins per part here, even if there is nothing on hand. This is done through the Part maintenance program, and adding the bins on the Part/Site/Warehouse/Bin tab. You dont have to add any additionl information if you dont want to.