I’ve acquired a basic foundation in BAQs and BPMs for Epicor Kinetic, thanks to the guidance of a former co-worker/mentor @gpayne . I’m eager to further enhance my skills and delve deeper into the world of Epicor. I’m exploring opportunities to broaden my expertise so I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or suggestions for that.
. Thank you in advance!
First of all, welcome.
And second of all, any friend of @gpayne is a friend to us all.
Hmmm, hands on experience? Not quite sure what you mean? Do you still have access to an Epicor system, preferably a Pilot, or Dev system?
If you do, poke it with a stick.
Not exactly hands-on, but certainly can be if you try the things you find, is to hang around here every spare moment like I did when I first started. Lot’s of experts here, and at many different specialties. Some special ones have many, you’ll figure that out as you go along.
Read the new threads, read the popular threads, the expert threads, find something that interests you and use the “breadcrumb / related” threads at the bottom of posts to hop around like wikipedia.
Become a sponge.
Pretty soon, you’ll be answering questions instead of asking them, but you’ll always have some more.
WOW… Look at @klincecum being all supportive and encouraging!
I think he, and most of us would agree to this method:
Best way to dive in is to find a pet project and go at it. Comb through the site here for examples to build from and to help you get over hurdles. The best way to learn is to move forward until you run into a wall… then you can target your research & questions here on how to get over it.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! That’s what this community is here for.
Start small and build.
I’d also recommend taking the time to sit with your users to identify how they use Epicor and issues/slow downs they experience in their daily functions.
It’d help focus what you learn.
thanks for the welcome folks, what I mean is that I’m already familiar with the Epicor interface navigation and creation of BAQs and basic BPMs. I’m looking for opportunities as Junior consultant where I can get deeper into learning more about different types of Epicor supporting tasks so I can reach a consulting expertise to take on more complex projects. I’d welcome your suggestions about steps or roadmaps on topics to learn and progress. I’m experienced with other ERPs and I’m a programmer at heart so I have the concept, is mainly the technical components that I want to develop more aside BAQs and BPMS.
Absolutely not, if I wanted to talk to an idiot, I’d just talk to myself.
Besides, once they get even a wiff that you can address Epicor issues they will be pounding on the door and ringing the phone off the hook.