New to Epicor


Hoping someone can help me, I’m a store controller and newish to Epicor.

I want to set up Epicor to tell me when a certain item is getting low on stock

and also wanting to set up Epicor to produce me a list of random parts to stock check every week

Is either of this possible?


Welcome Rob!
First - this is not the correct heading to post this under, so the admins may move your post to the appropriate place. (@rbucek)

Second - being new, I suggest you contact your Epicor folks and make sure you have access to the education website, and potentially the consulting group that implemented Epicor for your company.

Third - to answer your questions - “Global Alerts” can monitor stock levels and “Cycle Counting” will prompt you to count items on a regular basis. I would start with both of those but they will both require some additional setup and training for you and your team.