New to Epicor, where to start

Hello EpiUsers,

I have about 3 years experience in a different non-manufacturing ERP system, but I am new to Epicor.
I’ve got about a month in. Touched a couple screens for new employees and modified an existing BPM in a Method Directive.
Wondering if there is any advice out there on where I should start to build a good foundation to understand this system or some good go to training in Epicor Learning Center?

Thanks in advance!

I feel like understanding Time Phased Inquiry is a good goal.

Being able to look at it and read it top to bottom like a story, understanding how each line got there, and what it means.


@cdao Welcome. Go to EpicWeb and download as many guides as interest you. I would make sure to get the users guide and ice tools for classic and UX. Somewhere there is a quote to cash step by step using the training data that goes thru a lot of the basics of the system.


There are also videos. Most are for versions higher than you are currently, but most of the basic ideas are still true.


Run Away GIF

I’m starting a new analyst this week who has many years of experience in ERP but not Epicor.

My onboarding plan has two pillars:

  1. He gets his own sandbox that’s a copy of today’s environment, and will follow along with users in every process from quote to cash;

  2. He will be given assignments in each stage of the DevOps chain, starting with “Monitor” and working his way backwards

I’m hoping this can be done in 6-8 weeks.

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Now for my real comment. I concur with what’s already been posted. I wish I had asked the same question a while back.

My advice is to lurk here an hour a day or so.
If a problem or subject looks interesting, follow it and read about it.

You’ll gain insight into a lot, just by seeing how the problems are addressed.

The veterans here (and some not) have a wealth of information and / or problem solving skills that is 2nd to none.

We also have Epicor employees that hang out here. Some are regulars and some less so, but they can be pretty invaluable for insights.

While you are reading, at the bottom of each thread there are links to other posts that may be similar, so you can use them like breadcrumbs, kind of like links on Wikipedia.

Be careful if you have ADHD, you might hang out too long. :wink:

Also, I hope and assume you have a training / pilot environment. Get in there and get dirty.
Play with it, learn how to do traces and debugging, even if you have no real interest in programming. The debugging skills will serve you well.

If you do all of these, you will thrive.

  • Read the docs and watch the videos already posted.
  • Follow the topics that interest you here, and don’t be afraid to follow the breadcrumbs down the rabbit hole.
  • Get in your training environment and play.

And of course, Welcome to the madness!


The Epicor learning center has a system over view of the quote to cash process (called Hands-On - System Flow) . I highly recommend doing that as a first step as it give the picture of the ERP from the user perspective.
Also, learn about Field help. Great tool.


This to me is the absolute best piece of advice you can get. I have learned way more just checking these forums on a regular basis than anything I read in any of the documentation I have found.

By reading the posts I either learn things I can use right away or get to file little nuggets of wisdom away for later when I have a similar issue (and even if I can’t remember the solution, I usually remember reading something about it and can find it quickly on here).

Also, this is my go-to for solutions as I usually get a viable solution from the experts here much quicker than I get one from Epicor support.


Thanks everyone! The tips are much appreciated!