New Quote from Closed Order?

Has anyone ever gone from a sales order to a quote. A customer placed a 98 line order with us in Oct 2019. They would like us to requote this now…would be great to have ability to go from order to quote like you can quote to order. Any thoughts?

I don’t know Tracy but that’s a great idea.

I don’t know how complex your quote process is, but I just took 133 lines from order tracker then started a new quote and pasted them into quote lines with quantities and prices. I rearranged both grids for part, quantity and price.



Hi Tracy,

You have multiple options.

  1. Create a BAQ and retrieve relevant information, than DMT into Quote tables.
  2. Use the LIST view in Order Entry, and insert/copy in into Opportunity Quote. You must align the required fields in the quote table.

Hope this helps.

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I couldn’t finish with this last evening based on time. I did open the tracker for the order and was able to rearrange and then copy out to Excel. I then only grabbed that columns/rows that I needed (6 columns and 190 plus rows).

I pasted/inserted the data into lines/list on the quote form and it went in smoothly!

I wouldn’t have thought of that on my own, grateful for the reminder. I always forget the power of paste/insert/update.