New Price List

I just put in next year’s price list and tried to use Order Entry to pull the pricing. It is not pulling. I started a new order, entered all the info, but set the dates to after the 1st. Started a new line, entered part number and Qty, and the pricing is not pulling through. Ideas?

Hi William:

When is the ‘Start Date’ on your new price list? I don’t believe it will be ‘seen’ as effective until that day.


I’ve set it for today and for the 1st. Same result either way.

And the end date on the current list? Try moving it to yesterday.

Same issue. Its not even showing parts in Price Lsit Inquiruy after dates are adjsuted. It’s like it is not even there. I have uploaded and DMT and neither opiton is working.

Confirm all warehouses?

Warehouses?? How does that afect price lists?

All warehouses is the default. Just worth checking that it’s so.

I’m at the limits of my expertise here, sorry.

Does the customer you’re using to test have the new price list assigned to them?
Customer Maintenance > Billing tab > Price Lists tab

So, here was my mistake. We currently only sell to distributors. So we only have one Customer Group. Well, I forgot to put the price list in the Customer Group, so it wasn’t pulling into the Customers. Once I added it to the Customer Group, it went through just fine.

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