New "Polling" feature in Epicor Ideas

A few months ago, we tried out a new potential feature for Epicor Ideas called “Polls”… Since this feature comes at an extra cost for Epicor, we wanted to see if it was a valuable feature… The (successful) results of our test, we decided to add the feature.
You can see this new feature in Epicor Ideas as a separate TAB showing the active polls (only one right now), but you should see more.


  1. A Product Manager decides that we need more information… They create a POLL with a question and options to answer. This poll is connected to an EPIC or STORY within our system so that we can gain related research for that part of our roadmap.
  2. The PM makes the poll PUBLIC, which makes it show in Epicor Ideas
  3. The PM INVITES people… this is done by associating the POLL with an IDEA. Everyone that voted for that idea will be notified via email that there is a POLL. (This is another reason for voting for things, as you get tagged for future opinions).
  4. after a day or two, we will have enough information to make a decision based on YOUR opinions and comments.

So… be on the lookout for new polls as we start rolling out this new feature.