New PO Suggestions - Required By Date

Is there a way to show the “required date” on New PO Suggestions.

So here is the scenario, I need a part next week. But the part has a lead time of 20 days (4 weeks)

MRP runs and creates the New PO Suggestion. It tells the Buyer to order it today.

It tell the Buyer that the Due Date for the PO is 20 days (4 weeks) from now.

The Buyer approves the PO sends it out to the vendor. Yay. Mission successful. But not really.

Then when MRP runs again the next night, it creates a Change PO Suggestion telling the Buyer to Expedite the PO.

The Change PO Suggestion table has a Required Date field on it, but the New PO Suggestion table doesn’t seem to. Am I missing it. It must have “known” the Required Date. that is what prompts he New PO Suggestion anyway.

I know WHY Epicor makes the Due Date of the New PO Suggestion equal to Today plus the Lead Time, and it makes sense. It just doesn’t make sense that Epicor doesn’t also give the Buyer the Required By Date.

I want to give the Buyers the information at the START, so that when they enter the PO, they can call the vendor and start begging right away.

You have to customise your view in PO Suggestions. Open New PO Suggestions and do this:

  1. Tools on the menu > personalization
  2. Go to where the material list grid normally is
  3. Press on collection on the floating Control Properties window


  2. Sort by field name and goto orderbydate. Uncheck hidden.


  1. Say OK and restart PO Suggestions when prompted.
  2. Bring in some data and go find the order by date column.
  3. Drag it to where you want it
  4. Right click in the window and press save layout.

We have the Order By Date showing. I want the Required By Date.

In a perfect world the Required By Date is the same as the Due Date. But I don’t live in that world.

The Due Date tells us when Epicor thinks we can get it by based on the lead time of the part. It doesn’t tell use when we NEED it.

I want another column between the Order By and Due Date columns that tells me the Required By date.


Due date is when Epicor says you need it. Order by is when to order based on lead time.

I don’t mean to be argumentative, but I disagree with you.

Here is a screen shot of Time Phase. We need more tomorrow. The New PO Suggestion has a due date of 1/12/22. Because IF we order it today, it will take 20 days for the parts to arrive (based on the lead time in Epicor). The price list lead time and the part plant lead time are both set to 20.

Here is a screen shot of the New Suggestion itself. (Note, the last time we ran MRP was last night)

If you see an order by date of today or yesterday if MRP runs in the evening I would assume you are already late and that you’re running MRP with do not allow dates in the past. A PO Sugg will be raised the day of MRP run but will say it’ll arrive now + lead time.

if that is the case it’s odd you’re see this if you’re running MRP each night.

we lock our PO date & QTY so only work with new PO suggestions i.e. not change.

We recently decided to lock our PO’s as well (since the Buyers weren’t looking at the Change Sugs anyway… don’t get me started).

One of the complaints from the Buyers is that they are overwhelmed with PO sugs, and they have to research each one because Epicor doesn’t tell them the real Need By date. Just the Order By and Due Date.

It would speed them up (or at least make them happier) if Epicor gave them the Need By date on the New PO Sug, so they don’t have to open Time Phase for each part. It is frustrating because I know Epicor is “capable” of this, because it does it for Change Sugs.

I was hoping someone knew clever trick.

I found an “Enhancement Request” for this.

I put the maximum number of votes on it.


@Bray.Christopher It should be easy to put this on post processing of POSugg.GetRowsPlant into an field on POSugDtl. I do a lot of helping for our buyers in there.

If you do Buy to Job, the suggestion will give you the request date.
Since you are buying to inventory, you have a DoS of 30. Try changing it to 5 to see if it gets you the date you want.

We lock our PO Rel Dates…since our team does not look at PO Changes neither. There is just too many suggestions. Our Team always checks TimePhase before placing a PO.