We are looking to create and transfer inventory into a new warehouse in Epicor. We utilize ABC codes and the parts we are moving already have ABC codes. Will transferring the inventory and creating the new warehouse automatically mean that we will need to cycle count in Epicor even though the Part already has transaction history in another warehouse? We are trying to avoid a gigantic initial count if we change all the parts primary warehouse.
I have not tested this, but since ABC codes are defined at the warehouse level and Cycle Counts are also defined at the warehouse level, these transactions will likely be seen as “new inventory in the warehouse” and will be included on your next cycle count creation run for the new warehouse.
But as I said, I have not tested this… if at all possible try this in your PILOT or TEST environment and check to be sure. We’d BOTH love for me to be wrong!
Could you override some or all of the parts with a new cycle count code of Z, set up for never counted, and then reset it back to normal when it’s due for the next count?
Does Initializing it not help?
If you need to clear out the dates first (a strong possibility), we’ve talked about that here before, but there’s a fix for that. Then initialize.
Can you expand on this some more? What is ‘Initialize Last Cycle Count Date’?
Not a bad thought. Thank you!
Well let’s just dive in.
So, perfect world says that you never need this. You started cycle counting the day you went live on Epicor and never faltered. Any time you enter a new part, it stamps it with today’s date and then you don’t have to count it for a month or whatever.
But where I work, we have restarted our cycle count program several times. What we do for that is to ask Epicor Support for a data fix that sets the LastCCDate of all parts to null
. Then we run this Initialize routine and that stamps all parts with a fake LastCCDate (based on ABC frequency, I think) such that you get an even-ish distribution of parts per month (or whatever).
I don’t know what happens with a new warehouse.
LastCCDate is a field on the PartWarehouse (not the Part nor PartPlant), so if you are lucky, the LastCCDate is null already. Then you just initialize and you’re good to go.
Yup… what @JasonMcD said is true. set last count date will randomly set the date based on your ABC Rules. Another way to also spread out your cycle counting is to use the “RANDOM” option in selecting parts. You can then specify the number of parts to count per cycle. Then you will not get a bubble in the count at first, and over time, it will self spread out the dates.
I like this advice a lot. It makes sense, requires no in-depth knowledge, and is probably the most logical way to start a cycle counting program anyway. I had never thought of that as also solving the LastCCDate problem, so nicely done.
We always try to dive straight into 100% counting and we struggle.