Bruce, thanks so much for the help, I really appreciate it…
Best regards
Mike Abell
IT Manager
Flexial Corporation
a company of BOA Group
1483 Gould Drive, Cookeville, TN 38506, USA
Phone: +1 931 432 8408
Fax: +1 931 432 1889
Mail: mabell@...
From: []
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 3:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: New Epicor9 (progress 10.2a) install - AppServer crashed due to backup not running - anyone heard of this??
If you can access Epicweb, look for these answerbooks:
Here is a summary of some basic manual routine maintenance.
I'd suggest practicing on a test system before doing anything on your production server.
If you are interested, I also have some examples of bat files that automate some of this
And there are some sample bats in the files section of this group.
1. Backup the database “A†- ProENV
Command: probkup online mfgsys TodaysDateA.bak
2. Run Conversion programs - Admin Tools
6430 Recalculate Part OnHand/Allocation Summaries (run report, if blank move to next conversion)
7195 Fix PlantWhse, PartPlant and PartWhse Records
9527 Recalculate customer credit totals.
3. Maintain Sessions - Admin Tools
- Delete stale logons
4. Stop the appservers and database
5. Truncate the database - ProEnv
command: proutil mfgsys -C truncate bi
6. Repair the database - ProEnv
command: prostrct repair mfgsys
7. Optional - Rebuild the Indexes – ProEnv ( approximately 15 minutes runtime - your mileage may vary )
command: proutil mfgsys -C idxbuild -TB 32 -TM 32
---- Press "a" for ALL from the pop-up menu.
---- Answer "n" for No to "Do you have enough space for index sorting? (y/n)"
8. Backup the database “B†- ProEnv
command: probkup mfgsys TodaysDateB.bak
9. Clear out stale work files – Batch file
- 02_Delete_FM.bat (with database and appservers stopped)
10. Clear log and email log files - Batch file
- 04_Copy_Logs_FM.bat
11. Stop OpenEdge service and Reboot