We’re looking to set up Netting in E10. We’ve enabled it in Company Config, downloaded trans types, added GL Control Type and Code + linked a test Supplier and Customer in the Supplier Maintenance screen.
When entering a Netting transaction in ‘Netting Transaction Entry’ I am getting a couple of different issues:
when netting AR and AP invoices on linked Customer/Supplier, the system shows that Posting is submitted. System monitor shows task as ‘Complete’ yet no postings are generated in GL and the Group is still available in the ‘Netting Transaction Entry’ search
when trying to net a Debit Memo (AP) with an unallocated payment (AR), I get the following error message when trying to Edit List or Process Netting: “There is still remaining amount in Credit Memo Invoices. Please review your selection”. This is despite both selected documents having the same value and the ‘Remaining Amount’ = 0
Can anyone help with this please?
Thanks in advance!