Negative Bin Qtys

Good day everyone, I need your knowledge about the Bins, because recently the PartBin table has had the same 2 or 3 bins, with the unique difference that one of them has a negative quantity, the unique form that I resolve this is by using the Adjust Quantity, but I don’t know how it is possible the quantity result in negative.

In this picture, there are 3 rows of the same bin, but 2 of them have PCIDs, the real Onhand is 2, and the add of the rest is 0

What is the correct form to resolve this? it is a configuration? it is a bug?

I always look at Quantity Adjustments to see how many are really on hand and where they are. What is the screenshot you posted? It doesn’t appear to be from Quantity Adjust. Part transactions can be really messy with ins and outs all needing to be added up.

The screenshoot is from the PartBin table

This screenshot is from the Quantity Adjustment

I see. In this case I think that someone may have done an inventory transfer or quantity adjust wrong. You can end up with negatives if you transfer from a bin where there are no parts. You can also quantity adjust a bin to a negative amount. You should be able to fix this in quantity adjust too.

The bigger question is, why did it happen in the first place? Whip up a quick BAQ on the PartTran table and return all the transactions for that part. Something like this should give you all the part history you need to validate the inventory. Then just use QA to fix it to reality.

	[PartTran].[TranNum] as [PartTran_TranNum],
	[PartTran].[SysDate] as [PartTran_SysDate],
	[PartTran].[SysTime] as [PartTran_SysTime],
	[PartTran].[PartNum] as [PartTran_PartNum],
	[PartTran].[WareHouseCode] as [PartTran_WareHouseCode],
	[PartTran].[BinNum] as [PartTran_BinNum],
	[PartTran].[TranDate] as [PartTran_TranDate],
	[PartTran].[TranQty] as [PartTran_TranQty],
	[PartTran].[TranType] as [PartTran_TranType]
from Erp.PartTran as PartTran
where (PartTran.PartNum = 'YourPartNumberHere')

Caveat: We don’t use PCID, so I am not sure how that might complicate things.

Check the PCID Build / Split screen. You can solve this by moving 3 pcs from the bin, into the PCID (with no 25032)

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Be aware that often times there maybe a negative qty in a bin that is actually offset in another bin, sometimes in a different UOM or something. Before using Qty Adj, confirm that an Inventory Transfer isn’t the more appropriate way to correct the issue, otherwise you will just create another problem later.

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