I need to create a report by customer, by order - that lists the parts
and the following info:
Total Ordered
Total On Hand
Total Manufactured
Total Shipped
Balance to Manufacture
Balance to Ship
We used to have this a long time ago with a less complicated database
program. Can anyone out there help me get this off the ground? Can this
be done in BAQ so I could make it a dashboard item?
I noticed that in Part Tracker there are fields that might help but
can't find them in any of the tables (TotAlloc, TotAvail, TotOnHand,
TotReserved, TotUnReserved).
I'm in the middle of moving my office from corporate in San Mateo, CA to
Arlington, WA and need a jump start on this project as I'm going to be
persona non-grata most of the time until I get settled. The Vantage
servers will be moved shortly after I move. Talk about stress!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
and the following info:
Total Ordered
Total On Hand
Total Manufactured
Total Shipped
Balance to Manufacture
Balance to Ship
We used to have this a long time ago with a less complicated database
program. Can anyone out there help me get this off the ground? Can this
be done in BAQ so I could make it a dashboard item?
I noticed that in Part Tracker there are fields that might help but
can't find them in any of the tables (TotAlloc, TotAvail, TotOnHand,
TotReserved, TotUnReserved).
I'm in the middle of moving my office from corporate in San Mateo, CA to
Arlington, WA and need a jump start on this project as I'm going to be
persona non-grata most of the time until I get settled. The Vantage
servers will be moved shortly after I move. Talk about stress!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]