Need more decimal places for part cost - just one part

We have a part (a type of thread) that we stock in FT, but the supplier provides in LBs. The conversion is 8,250 FT / LB.

The quantities aren’t a problem but the cost of the part is. Our system was setup with 5 decimal places for cost, but because we stock it in a “small” UOM of FT, the suppliers cost is always divided by 8,250.

If the supplier’s cost per (in their UOM) goes to 4 decimal places, we need 8 places to hold the cost in our UOM.

  1. Can I change the number of decimal places used by costs from 5 to 8?
  2. Would this have to be across the board? Or could it be Part or UOM specific?
  3. Would using the Cost Per (/1, /100, /1000) in PO entry help? I’d guess not, as the cost per IUM eventually needs to be calculated and stored to 8 decimal places.

There is a data fix that our application support team can request on your behalf that can change the number of decimals for cost, price and/or general from X to Y–but, it would be across the board and not specific to an individual part/UOM.

That said, perhaps there is a different way within the application to handle this condition so I defer to others more knowledgable.

Thanks Nathan.

I’ve been thinking about making a new UOM of “KF” for kilofeet*, with 1 KF = 1000 FT, and 1 LB = 8.250 KF (currently we have a UOM conversion of 1 LB = 8,250 FT). 100 FT is the smallest qty we ever use on a job, so I’m not worried about the granularity of the QOH.

Then stock the part in the KF UOM. BOM’s could still spec it in feet, Purchasing could still buy it by the LB.

Ideally, I’d use the UOM conversion program to change the IUM of the current part to the new UOM (same UOM Class). But you know, we’ve had transactions against the existing part. :confused:

 * (my elementary school teacher that taught us the metric system back in the 1970’s must be rolling in his grave to know I’m mixing ISO prefixes with Imperial units)