I Created a customization for PartTracker in App Studio, however, when switching screen to “Kinetic App” in Menu Maintenance, the Program drop-down does not have a .dll for PartTracker. If I set it to ‘Erp.UI.PartEntry’ I can see and add my PartTracker Customization, however, it turns PartTracker into PartEntry where a user with privelages can change a Part’s data. Not good.
I ran PartTracker in Browser to trace program, but only find "Erp.BO.PartSvc’ which is not really what I need.
The default Menu Item’s program is ‘Erp.UI.PartTracker.dll’ however, none exists for Kinetic App program type. Anyone able to modify the PartTracker in Kinetic?
Same using that tool. The problem is that there is not a “Program” as they call it, for PartTracker in the list. Maybe not yet added to the Kinetic sUX interface.
This is 100% the move. Most screens do not have a Kinetic “Tracker” variation anymore and now use the Entry screen in Read Only mode. This means that we no longer have to keep two screens in sync!
AR/AP Invoice Trackers are a couple exclusions to this; for whatever reason, they have Kinetic tracker forms.
FYI, doing the same process on Supplier Tracker, I found that even using the “Read-Only” checkbox did not function as in Part Tracker, thereby allowing users to modify Suppliers. The Classic View does work when ticking the Read-Only checkbox, however, Kinetic does not. I opened a support case, and apparently it is a “Known Issue” and here is the Case for those who run into this as well.
From Support
The issue you are reporting has already been reported via Development Problem Case ERPS-192149, which has the following Description:
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In Menu Maintenance, when a Custom Menu is added to Kinetic Supplier Tracker, AND the Read Only Checkbox is Checked, Kinetic Supplier Tracker is NOT Read Only.
Development has Accepted the Problem Case for further review, and is still Open - not yet resolved. So I linked this Support Case to Development’s Problem Case.