Need help with Sales Order Picklist report

So for our sales order pick list report this is basically how we want it to function:
IF Release Qty > On Hand Qty DO NOT show on form
IF Release Qty = 0 DO NOT show on form
IF Warehouse is = to Consignment DO NOT show on form
ORDER BY Customer Number THEN Ship To Num THEN Bin

How would we go about doing this? I’ve mad a custom SSRS form and data definition for it, but still, it seems that all open orders show up on the report. We want the report to only show orders based on the criteria above.
Is this a BAQ somewhere that we need to edit?
Any help would be appreciated!

I’m not too familiar with this specific report, but I would just add that in general you have options like these: 1) the DataSet query, add where clauses, 2) the DataSet Filters, the filter feature, where you can add field expressions, 3) the Group Filters feature, where you can build field expressions to control whether the Group is hidden or not.
Maybe that at least gives you some directions to look.

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Thanks for the reply, this is definitely how I need to do this!
I posted another topic on what i need to do now, but thank you! This helped steer me in the correct direction.